From The Publisher –
Journalist Gabrielle Fimbres says it best – “There could be no more noble cause – finding cures for childhood diseases and easing the suffering of children.” One of Fimbres’ most compelling stories to date chronicles our region’s Scientists of Steele and their global visionary leader Dr. Fayez K. Ghishan, director of The University of Arizona’s Steele Children’s Research Center. Ghishan leads nearly 100 world-class researchers, scientists and physicians – all determined to defeat mankind’s most devastating diseases and save the lives of our next generation. As Fimbres says, the Steele Center is a think tank of our brightest minds.
Fimbres also shares inspirational stories about six of our finest leaders, members of “Generation Next” who have not only been successful in their careers, but also where it really counts – at home. These role-model dads have been selected by Father’s Day Council Tucson as the 2014 Fathers of the Year. We salute David Hutchens, Omar Mireles, Jim Moore, Cody Ritchie, Neal Weitman and U.S. Air Force Capt. Joshua Palochak. Proceeds from the gala, slated for June 13, will fund the Father’s Day Council Tucson Endowed Chair for Type 1 Diabetes Research at the UA Steele Center.
The 20th annual Father of the Year Awards Gala is dedicated to the memory of Dave Sitton, an FDC founding board member, and to the memory of my father, Howard Rosenberg. His extraordinary vision expanded the event into a nationwide philanthropic success. Under his leadership over the past three decades, charitable proceeds for diabetes research have surpassed $50 million and the inspirational event honoring role model dads is now in 36 U.S. markets. A Los Angeles Father of the Year honoree in 2005, he will always be my hero.
Sports writer Steve Rivera files a motivational report on a local leader who commands national attention as the Wildcat basketball dynasty once again makes history. Enjoy Rivera’s feature on hoops CEO Sean Miller.
Fimbres also files a fascinating report on Regents Professor Carol A. Barnes and her innovative research as director of the UA’s Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute. Barnes, who was recently awarded the prestigious Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience, has brought more than $30 million in research grants to UA.
As the economy shows glimmers of recovery, we report on improvements in commercial real estate, construction and development. Many industry leaders contributed to this report, complete with forecasts, an update of downtown and its $280 million infrastructure investment, new and recently renovated buildings, philanthropic projects, workforce education and more. Reporting are Mary Minor Davis, David B. Pittman, Larry Copenhaver and Rivera.
This issue also highlights small business success stories, including Gadabout SalonSpas. Romi Carrell Wittman explores this all-in-the-family business with founder Pam McNair-Wingate, her daughter Jana Westerbeke and Jana’s husband Frank. The mother-daughter team avidly supports community causes, including the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson, which honors them with the Click for Kids Award, named for legendary supporter Jim Click.
As BizTucson celebrates its 5th anniversary, a special thank you goes out to our advertisers, who invest their marketing dollars to reach top executives in the business community, and to our readers. You’ll find a collection of creative designs that have graced our covers on page 147.
The creative direction and high journalistic standard begins with one terrific trio. Thank you to Creative Director Brent G. Mathis for exceptional graphic design, photography and sense of style, and to Contributing Editors Donna Kreutz and Fimbres for their “eagle eyes,” wonderful ideas and unwavering dedication to journalistic quality. Thanks to friends and colleagues, and a heartfelt thank you to my supportive family – especially my wife, Rebecca.
Steven E. Rosenberg
Publisher & Owner