Stephanie Richter
Miramonte Homes Promotes Stephanie Richter to Director of Sales & Marketing
Miramonte Homes announced the promotion of long-time employee, Stephanie Richter, to the position of Director of Sales and Marketing for the Tucson Division.
Richter has been with Miramonte Homes since 2012, where she previously held the position of Sales and Marketing Manager.
Miramonte President, Julie Mastriani, said, “Stephanie is a critical member of our management team and we are excited to recognize her outstanding contributions. Her leadership in the Sales and Marketing Department, as well as her knowledge of corporate operations, has made her integral to our growth and success.”
Stephanie will expand her leadership roles in the company and continue to represent Miramonte in the Tucson Builder Community, Mastriani said.
Richter said she is excited to take over the new position, which became effective June 1. As the Director of Sales and Marketing, Richter will be responsible for ensuring that the Tucson Division continues to meet sales goals and projections, along with managing the entire marketing team.
When asked about the promotion, Richter said, “Miramonte has given me a wonderful opportunity. I am extremely excited and look forward to being a part of Miramonte’s continued success.”
About Miramonte Homes
Founded in 1992, Miramonte Homes has built more than 1,900 homes throughout Arizona and is one of the largest, privately owned homebuilders in the state. The company has been named Builder of the Year multiple times over the past two decades by the Southern Arizona Homebuilder’s Association.