From The Publisher
According to Merriam-Webster, the term game changer is defined as “a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way.”
And significant it is. There’s never been a more exciting time to be an Arizona Wildcat, as University of Arizona VP for Athletics Greg Byrne would say.
Thanks to the generosity of lead gifts from UA alumni Jeff and Sharon Stevens and David and Edith Lowell – as well as gifts from Peter and Nancy Salter, Louis “Buzz” Sands, Jim and Vicki Click and many others – the $72 million Lowell-Stevens Football Facility is open for business. Arizona Stadium has never looked better.
Byrne’s vision for UA Athletics is profoundly impacting our community. He’s quick to point out that a financially successful athletics program not only impacts marquee sports, it also has a major impact on the nearly 500 student-athletes in all 20 sports.
BizTucson’s Wildcat player-coach Gabrielle Fimbres led the Bear Down charge, along with veteran sports journalists Steve Rivera and Jay Gonzales for exciting “team coverage.”
Speaking of change, Tucson Metro Chamber – led by President and CEO Mike Varney and Chairman of the Board Kurt Wadlington – is embracing the mantra of Change Ahead, as they drive pro-business initiatives throughout our region and statewide. The city’s largest business organization, the chamber is the voice of the region for our business community. Journalist Joan Liess and Coach Donna Kreutz provide a compelling report on this collaborative vision for the future.
Healthcare costs today are $2.5 trillion – 18 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product, according to Carondelet Health Network President & CEO Jim Beckmann.
Join Mary Minor Davis, Dan Sorenson and Steve Rivera for an in-depth look at the region’s 12th largest employer and the innovations, investments and strategies Carondelet has in place to support a new vision for healthcare. Carondelet St. Mary’s Hospital is now home to Carondelet Heart & Vascular Institute. Carondelet St. Joseph’s Hospital features advanced joint replacement and neurological facilities and ground has been broken for the Carondelet Health & Wellness Pavilion in Sahuarita.
As we emerge from the worst economic period in eight decades, business leaders stand solidly behind our nonprofits, assuring that those less fortunate do not fall through the safety net. The glow of Tucson’s corporate philanthropy is hard to match nationwide. In this issue BizTucson highlights the impact of corporate support on United Way, Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Handmaker and the Raytheon Spirit of Education Award.
One man who touched seemingly every nonprofit cause was Dave Sitton, who passed away at age 58. The citywide outpouring of emotion was fitting of this truly one-of-a-kind man and my wonderful friend of 30 years. You’ll be inspired by Rivera’s heartfelt tribute. At the celebration of his life, 2,000 attendees were asked to stand if Dave had inspired them. He received his final and most heartfelt standing ovation. The loss to our community is immeasurable.
Sadly, my father Howard Rosenberg passed away on July 22. He was my No.1 fan and the inspiration of my life. The lessons he instilled in me in life, business and community service will live on. He loved being my dad and I loved being his son.
Humanity lost an amazing man, as you’ll read in a compelling tribute by Fimbres. His extraordinary vision expanded the Father of the Year Awards Gala into a nationwide philanthropic success – including here in Tucson. Under his leadership over the past three decades, charitable proceeds for diabetes research surpassed $50 million. This inspirational event honoring role-model dads is now in 36 U.S. markets. He leaves an exceptional legacy, and will always be my hero.
Steven E. Rosenberg
Publisher & Owner