Amy Amoroso
Amy Amoroso has joined Arizona Land & Water Trust as the new donor engagement manager. In this role, she will lead stewardship efforts, support overall fundraising activities, and forge deeper relationships with supporters of Arizona Land and Water Trust.
Amoroso holds a master’s degree in environmental science and communications from Antioch New England Graduate School and bachelor’s degree from Hobart and William Smith College.
Amoroso brings a diverse skillset to the trust through her experience as the tribal lands program manager with the National Wildlife Federation, natural resources director with the Cow Creek Umpqua Tribe and then as a writing instructor at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.
She currently enjoys volunteering for KXCI Community Radio as a music curator and host. In the past, she has volunteered for the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and Tucson’s Social Venture Partners Fast Pitch program. She has also served on the board of the Southwest Folklife Alliance and the Partnership for Umpqua Rivers.