Tucson Water Well-Prepared for Future Shortages
Tucson Water has been preparing for shortages for decades and will continue to do so. The city has known for many years that Colorado River supplies could be cut. Over 40 years, the utility has invested more than $2 billion in infrastructure, water supplies, underground storage and conservation programs.
Planning and preparations are ongoing, with a City of Tucson Drought Preparedness and Response Plan that outlines steps to address shortages at any level.
Currently, there is no immediate impact to municipal water supplies. Based on Arizona’s priority system, there will be no reduction to municipal, industrial and tribal water supplies in early shortages. Shortage on the Colorado River does not mean shortage at the tap.
Tucson Water has a diverse water portfolio, with resources that include recharged Colorado River water, recycled water, rain/stormwater and groundwater. Find out about these resources here.
Conservation and efficiency are a way of life in the desert – and part of long-term water management. Tucson Water’s strategic planning and proactive maintenance programs maximize efficiencies. Conservation rebates, incentives, workshops, education, and professionals, help residents and businesses save water and money.
As of 2020, more than 3.6 billion gallons of water have been conserved through Tucson Water programs. Working together, the region’s water efficiency increases resiliency.