Pima Community College Foundation Announces New Members

Pima Community College Foundation’s board of directors has appointed Susan Dumon, Isaac Figueroa, Deborrah Himsel, Lance Jones and Allyson Solomon as directors. Each will serve a three-year term for the foundation. The directors began their active status July 1, signaling the beginning of the foundation’s fiscal year.

Susan Dumon
Isaac Figueroa
Deborrah Himsel
Lance Jones
Allyson Solomon

The foundation board of directors’ executive committee is charged by Bryan Hannley (Innova), chair; Matthew Thrower (DPR Construction) chair-elect; Norm Rebenstorf (National Bank of America, retired) treasurer and Amber Smith (Tucson Metro Chamber) secretary.

Pima Foundation’s board comprises 18 directors, including Monica Barcelo, Mel Cohen, Paula Register-Hecht, Patricia Houston, Nancy Johnson, Mike Kocsis, Howard Stewart, Steve Thu, Paula Van Ness, Marcy Euler (ex-officio) and PCC Chancellor Lee Lambert (ex-officio).

The foundation board holds a fiduciary relationship with the college and the Tucson community, with equitable policies and inclusionary decision-making.

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