Net Zero Hero Conservation Partner Award
Smart Rewards Participants Help Manage Peak Consumption
Managing energy demand during peak hours is an increasingly important tool to reduce the need for new generation resources, to use more of our cleanest energy sources and to avoid buying power from the market when prices are typically highest.
Last summer, we turned to customers to help reduce strain on the summer grid with a new program that provides rewards for allowing your thermostat provider to increase temperature settings temporarily by a few degrees on the hottest days.
Adriana Leyva, account manager for a local health insurance agency, was one of roughly 7,000 customers who participated. Leyva, who also participates in TEP’s solar programs, has watched other states grapple with reliability.
“TEP is offering a way to support reliable service with a program that lets us be proactive as a community,” she said.
Her two teenagers were skeptical at first, but the active family barely noticed the events. “I have shade trees and my home insulation is pretty good. I already replaced the windows, and it just wasn’t a big deal to us to move up a few degrees,” she said. “It was reassuring to know I also had control the whole time if I needed it.”
Leyva and other participants collectively saved enough energy across nine separate events to power the equivalent of roughly 2,300 homes.
“You might remember that 2023 was the third hottest summer on record, with record-setting temperatures in July,” said Julie Donavant, principal of energy programs. “Those conditions were perfect to demonstrate the extent to which our residential customers can work collectively to make a big difference in reducing peak consumption.”
Cooling and heating account for up to half of a typical home’s energy usage. The impact can be even greater in Southern Arizona, where extended use of air conditioning is a necessity during long, hot summers. Even an adjustment of a few degrees can make a difference.
“The program has proven that partnering with our customers during critical times is a powerful tool for energy management and environmental sustainability,” Donavant said.
Post-event and summer surveys identified that participants were motivated to help support reliable energy for everyone.
Customers, who can opt out of any event by simply adjusting their thermostat, can earn rewards for their help. Successful participants receive a $50 prepaid Mastercard and can receive an additional $40 prepaid Mastercard for each year they remain enrolled. Two thermostats are eligible, so a participant could earn as much as $180 for the first year.
“Our Net Zero Hero Awards recognize that customers are part of the solution, and that by working together through programs like this, we can achieve reliable, affordable and sustainable service,” Donavant said.
Although the program only runs during the summer, TEP welcomes new participants throughout the year.
Please visit www.thermostatrewards.com/tepbyot