Construction Begins on Phase 3 of Downtown Links Project
On Monday, August 24, 2020, Downtown Links Constructors (DLC), under contract with the City of Tucson Department of Transportation and Mobility (DTM), will begin phase three of the Downtown Links Improvement Project from Church Avenue to Broadway.
The project will start with the 6 a.m. closure of Seventh Avenue between Sixth Street and Seventh Street to through traffic. Southbound turn movements from Sixth Street to Seventh Avenue will only be permitted to Benjamin Supply customers and employees. Seventh Avenue is completely closed to travel at Seventh Street. At this time, Seventh Street between Sixth Avenue and Seventh Avenue will remain open temporarily. During this closure, eastbound and westbound travel on Sixth Street will not be impacted.
The traveling public will begin seeing large equipment and work crews throughout the project limits. There will also be scheduled road closures, both temporary and permanent, within the project limits.
When complete, this 30-month improvement project will provide enhancements, benefits, and connections for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. The new four-lane road will connect Barraza-Aviation Parkway to I-10. Downtown Links will offer improved access and connections, including a railroad underpass for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists at Sixth Street and Ninth Avenue, multi-use paths, improved sidewalks, drainage systems, bike lanes, and public art.
A virtual pre-construction public meeting was held on Wednesday, August 19, and is available to watch on the project website downtownlinks.info for those who were not available to participate in the live meeting.
The Regional Transportation Authority is an independent taxing district with a mission to deliver multimodal transportation projects that improve our region’s mobility, safety and environment. The district’s voters approved the 20-year RTA plan in 2006. To date, the RTA has invested over $1.2 billion generated by the RTA’s half-cent excise tax within Pima County to improve your quality of life and support the region’s economic vitality. This project is managed by The City of Tucson. For more information, visit www.RTAmobility.com