Rio Nuevo Announces Progress on Small, Medium and Large Projects
At the most recent Rio Nuevo board meeting, Chairman Fletcher McCusker began by expressing a positive post-pandemic condition and thanking the private sector for developing projects where The District can be a value-added partner.
The Rio Nuevo board unanimously approved a small, $19,000 investment to assist El Be Goods, a small clothing boutique currently located on Congress, to relocate and expand to The Monier Apartments near the Mercado.
Bookending that decision was also a unanimous vote to amend the property lines and easements Rio Nuevo maintains on the westside to enable the long-awaited Bautista Project to break ground in the next 30 days. The Bautista will bring the Mercado area multi-family luxury units, 14,500 square feet of ground floor commercial and retail space, underground parking, and riparian restoration at a value of $110 million.
The board also unanimously approved up to $375,000 in construction to activate the former Shot in the Dark space at 121 E. Broadway, which has been vacant for three years. A small gift and flower shop will occupy the space facing Arizona Avenue and event space at the rear will connect with HighWire’s event area.