After more than 18 months of focused efforts to bring skills-based matching technology to Pima County, the Tucson Metro Chamber finds success through collaborating with statewide partners on the Now Hiring #C19AZ website—a crisis response hub powered by Maricopa county’s existing Pipeline AZ platform that more effectively connects job seekers with employment opportunities.
The Tucson Metro Chamber has been working with Partnership for Economic Innovation (PEI) in Maricopa County to bring this skills-based matching technology to Pima County to create a seamless, statewide workforce connection system using this scalable systems-level technology solution.
Tucson Metro Chamber piloted the technology that is used on the Now Hiring #C19AZ website with two major hiring events and achieved more than a 65% hiring rate over the past year.
After the Department of Labor (DOL) released data on initial unemployment insurance (UI) claims, showing that UI claims jumped from 211,000 in the week ending March 7 to 6.6 million in the week ending March 28, helping our community find the skills and jobs they want and for the industries to find the employees to fill their positions is more important than ever before. As the Pima County platform scales up, we will first work to place low to mid-skilled workers into high demand positions, and then will scale up veteran job seekers and the IT and technology industry.
Together, we can have a collective impact and implement programs that make better connections, build skills our employers need and create a more certain future.
Job-seekers: Visit Now Hiring #C19AZ for real-time immediate openings, free career coaching, and to get matched with employers in virtual hiring fairs: http://c19az.com.
Chamber member employers with immediate openings: Contact Michael Guymon at mguymon@tucsonchamber.org.
Online training providers and case management organizations wanting to join our efforts supporting crisis job seekers, may reach out to Michael Guymon at the Chamber as well.
About the Tucson Metro Chamber The Tucson Metro Chamber’s mission is to champion an environment where your business thrives, and our community prospers. The Chamber is a member-based business advocacy and community development organization that represents more than 1,500 businesses, employing more than 160,000 employees in the greater Tucson area.