Nova Home Loans Plans for 19th Annual Miracle en el Barrio Event
Preparation is under way for the 19th Annual Miracle en el Barrio event, presented by NOVA® Home Loans, scheduled to take place on Monday, Dec. 20, from 9 am to 1 pm at the St. John’s Church, located at 602 W. Ajo Way.
NOVA® employees started this event 19 years ago to provide children on Tucson’s south side with toys during the holidays. Since then, Miracle en el Barrio has evolved into the single largest toy donation event by a private business. Miracle features music, entertainment, and more, in addition to the gifts handed out to each child. Santa Claus is scheduled to arrive at 9 am to begin handing out toys to the 2,500 plus children expected to attend this year’s event.
Over the past 19 years, NOVA® Home Loans has given away toys to over 36,000 kids in need. In addition, several local companies will also be in attendance, giving away food and certificates for services.
The public is welcome to drop off new, unwrapped toys at any NOVA ® Home Loans local office:
Corporate: 6245 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 400
Northwest: 6893 N. Oracle Road, Suite 121
River: 1650 E. River Road, Suite 108
Sunrise: 3430 E. Sunrise Drive, Suite 150
Swan: 2810 N. Swan Road, Suite 160
Green Valley: 210 W. Continental Road, Suite 248
NOVA® Home Loans was founded in 1980 in Tucson. The company is licensed as a mortgage banker and can broker residential mortgage loans. NOVA® Home Loans has 18 offices throughout Arizona. NOVA® also provides loan services in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Washington.