CATS Tonometer Gets FDA Clearance for Disposable Prism
The CATS®-D Disposable Prism, designed to deliver improved intraocular pressure measurement accuracy using a sterile, disposable tip replacement for the Goldmann Tonometer, received FDA clearance and will be available for sale this fall.
Accurate IOP measurements provide eye care clinicians with a key metric in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma and other serious ocular conditions.
“The CATS® Tonometer Prism is designed to provide more accurate IOP assessment, sparing patients and clinicians from the damaging consequences of over and under estimation of IOP,” said Dr. Nathan Radcliffe, associate clinical professor of ophthalmology at Mount Sinai Hospital.
The CATS®-D Tonometer Prism’s advanced technology, coupled with an intuitive ergonomic design, provides clinical ease of use while helping protect patients and staff from transferrable infections such as COVID-19, which can occur with an uncleaned or improperly cleaned reusable tonometer prism.
“As the only U.S. tonometer prism manufacturer, we believe the CATS® Tonometer Prism, available in both reusable and disposable options, will quickly supplant a 60-year-old prism technology and become the new standard of care for IOP measurement for eye care clinicians (ophthalmology and optometry) and all patient populations,” said CATS Tonometer CEO Dr. Sean McCaffert.
“The CATS® Tonometer Prism is designed to deliver more accurate IOPs, because it compensates for corneal biomechanics,” stated Dr. John Berdahl, an ophthalmologist surgeon with Vance Thompson Vision.
CATS Tonometer President Nannon Roosa said, “The company is confidant clinicians will adopt the CATS®-D Prism to protect their patients and staff in accordance with the preferred use of sterile, single-use prisms as recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons.”
CATS Tonometer LLC is a privately held company, located in Tucson, specializing in engineering optical and ophthalmic innovations to drive better ocular disease treatment. Based on clinical studies, the CATS Tonometer Prism™ is designed to provide significantly more accurate IOP measurement by compensating for biomechanics related to central corneal thickness, corneal hysteresis, tear film and corneal curvature.