Pima County wins three Public Works Project of the Year awards
Pima County has won three 2014 Project of the Year awards from the Southern Arizona Branch of the American Public Works Association.
2014 Projects of the Year:
• Environmental greater than $75 million: Tres Rios Water Reclamation Plant, Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (RWRD)
• Transportation under $5 million: Ina Road at SR-77 (Oracle Road), Pima County Department of Transportation
• Small Cities & Rural Communities: Robles Ranch Improvements, Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation
The $242 million Tres Rios Water Reclamation Plant is the largest construction project completed in Pima County history. Through a close partnership between RWRD, Jacobs Engineering, CH2M HILL and MWH Constructors, the team completed this challenging, complex project on time and within budget while maintaining wastewater service.
State-of-the-art equipment and processes were installed to produce an effluent quality that will improve the health of the Santa Cruz River ecosystem. Principals of sustainability were employed to re-use and re-purpose old facilities while lowering the facilities’ overall energy use and carbon footprint for future generations.
The Ina Road at SR-77 “indirect left turn” project enhanced the traveling public’s safety, increased traffic volume through the intersection and improved the aesthetic appearance of the intersection.
Residents and passersby are extremely pleased with how this intersection is now functioning and how it has decreased the amount of traffic cutting through the surrounding neighborhoods. Pima County Department of Transportation, Regional Transportation Authority, Town of Oro Valley and Arizona Department of Transportation collaborated to make this project a success. KE&G was the contractor.
The Robles Ranch Community Center Improvements addressed a critical need for safe, outside recreation in coordination with the historic community center. The Friends of Robles worked with the Pima County Community Development and Neighborhood Conservation, and Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation departments to obtain a series of Community Development Block Grants. The project was transformational, thanks to Kimley-Horn & Associates design and Durazo Construction’s careful craftsmanship, creating a recreational oasis in what was previously a barren area.
These projects will also be forwarded to state level for review.