Julie Mastriani
Julie Mastriani
Named president of Miramonte Companies and its affiliate companies
Miramonte Companies Founder, Chris Kemmerly, announced today that Julie Mastriani has been named president of Miramonte Companies and its affiliate companies, including: Miramonte Holdings, an investment and holding company; Miramonte Arizona, a construction and development company; and Miramonte Homes, a sales and brokerage company.
“Julie is a proven leader and has consistently demonstrated the necessary vision, knowledge and experience required to successfully lead Miramonte’s businesses in Southern and Northern Arizona,” said Kemmerly. “Julie also serves as a key member of Miramonte’s executive management team. I am thrilled to announce her well-deserved promotion after contributing to our company’s success over the past two decades,” said Kemmerly.
In her role as president and a member of Miramonte’s executive management team, Mastriani will continue to lead Miramonte’s efforts in corporate planning and operations as well as support investor relations and project acquisitions.
Prior to her promotion to president, Mastriani served as chief operating officer of Miramonte for approximately 15 years, where she was instrumental in managing all aspects of sales and operations. Her tenure at Miramonte also includes serving more than three years as chief operating officer of the Tucson division of Standard Pacific Homes, a publicly–held company, during the acquisition of Miramonte Homes in 2004 through 2007.
Mastriani joined Miramonte in 1996, and now joins the ranks of only a few women-led homebuilding and construction companies in Arizona.
About Miramonte Companies
Since 1992, Miramonte Companies has been developing quality homes and commercial properties across the state of Arizona. CEO and Principal, Chris Kemmerly, is dedicated to developing communities that blend seamlessly with the Southwest’s indigenous architecture. Since 1992, Miramonte Homes has built more than 1900 homes and is one of the largest, privately owned homebuilders in Arizona. The company has been named Builder of the Year multiple times over the past two decades by the Southern Arizona Homebuilder’s Association.