United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Launches 24th Annual “Days of Caring”
United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona is now inviting local non-profits, schools, child-care centers, long-term care facilities, community gardens, neighborhood associations, and others to benefit from Arizona’s largest single volunteer event, the 24th Annual United Way’s Days of Caring. The two-day initiative, which will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 20 and 21, is expected to pair more than 100 local projects with thousands of caring volunteers to improve the Southern Arizona community. Last year, more than 2,080 volunteers turned out to complete 123 projects, resulting in 6,300 volunteer hours. In addition, virtual projects were encouraged and included, and several virtual projects were conducted during the event.
The focus of Days of Caring will continue to be on projects that make a positive impact on the community, with an emphasis on outdoor projects such as wash clean-ups, park beautification, and painting projects. Virtual projects can be collection drives, putting together hygiene kits for underserved communities, trainings, and more.
“For nearly a quarter of a century, our United Way has been organizing some of the most impactful 48 hours of the entire year, our annual Days of Caring,” stated Tony Penn, president and CEO of United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona. “Days of Caring is a high-visibility and high-impact event that brings a great deal of good to our community through the hard work of thousands of volunteers, and we are thankful for all of these efforts to improve our community, by completing thousands of projects over the years,” Penn concluded.
Project registration for United Way’s Days of Caring is now open and runs through August 4 for both in-person and virtual projects. The deadline for Early Bird Submission is July 7, and those submitting by then will be entered into a drawing to receive $500 towards their project. For more details and to submit a project for consideration, please click here. Volunteer registration will open on September 1.
For information on assistance with submitting a project, please contact Liana Sharp at daysofcaring@unitedwaytucson.org or lsharp@unitedwaytucson.org
About United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona is building a thriving community by uniting people, ideas, and resources. As we celebrate a century of service, we continue to respond to our community’s needs, transform individual lives, and bring long-lasting, systemic change to the community by focusing on the key, underlying issues. We fight for education, financial wellness, equality, and healthy communities for every person in Tucson and Southern Arizona from birth to end of life. Our role as community convener enables us to form strategic partnerships, mobilize the best resources, and be the catalyst for needed, positive change. Learn more at www.unitedwaytucson.org