Nova Home Loans is First Lender to Go Live with CreditXpert’s New Platform

CreditXpert, the predictive credit score platform that helps mortgage lenders extend better, more compelling financing options to every applicant, has announced that NOVA Home Loans is the first lender to go live with its new enterprise platform.

This latest offering will help lenders boost efficiency with AI, quickly compare improvement plans, track applicant progress, and manage usage through a cloud-based dashboard.    

“In a competitive market, helping applicants qualify for a mortgage, land on the most appropriate loan program and qualify for the lowest interest rate is more important than ever,” said CreditXpert CEO Jim Hemmer. “This is precisely why we are so excited to have a lender like NOVA Home Loans as the first to go live with our new enterprise platform. The team at NOVA truly understands the meaningful impact that a higher credit score can have on their ability to help applicants qualify for the best rate and terms.” 

“Our dedicated team of loan officers is deeply committed to helping our borrowers, regardless of their initial credit score, achieve a qualifying score, better loan program or a better interest rate,” said NOVA Home Loans SVP of Lender Services Manny Hernandez. “Even if a borrower has a credit score in the 720 – 730 range, we’ll work to get them to a better interest rate or help lower private mortgage insurance premiums. Our team is excited to be using CreditXpert to help our borrowers reach that target score and lower their cost of homeownership.”    

“Innovative lenders like NOVA Home Loans help CreditXpert fulfill our mission of helping to make homeownership more accessible and affordable for all,” said Hemmer. “Our predictive analytics show that 75% of those with credit scores below 760 could improve their score by 20 points or more in just 30 days.” 

CreditXpert’s innovative enterprise platform helps lenders in four ways:    

– Immediately see the credit potential for EVERY applicant.

– Generate highly accurate improvement plans with the click of a button

– Share improvement plans with applicants and automatically track their progress – Manage users, groups, and branches through a single dashboard.    

“This is going to be a game changer for the NOVA Home Loans team,” said Hernandez. “The new CreditXpert platform is going to help us expand the reach of our Home on the Horizon program by helping us generate detailed improvement plans and communicate with borrowers in a more efficient way.”  

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