Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona Announces Five Grantee Partners

The Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona has announced five nonprofit recipients of grants in Southern Arizona. This year, WFSA is investing $325,000 in these grantee partners with a three-year renewable commitment totaling up to $975,000. Each of the five grantees is receiving $65,000 this month. 
The foundation, which changed its name in October to reflect its expansion to serve the whole state, is focused on equitable and community-centered grantmaking. WFSA’s unique grantmaking model of unrestricted and renewable grants positions organizations to thrive and can help meet the needs of organizations serving women and girls in Arizona. 
Throughout its 30-year history, WFSA has invested $4.5 million in more than 300 organizations through its annual grants program in Southern Arizona. Earlier this month, WFSA also announced $325K in funding for the recipients of their inaugural Women & Girls of Color Fund, WFSA’s first statewide grant, and Arizona’s first grant dedicated to organizations led by and serving women and girls of color. WFSA’s CEO reiterated the organization’s continued commitment to and investment in Southern Arizona in light of their expansion. 
“We are very proud of our philanthropic roots in Southern Arizona and are committed to continuing and growing our investment in the region. The newly selected annual grantee partners are committed to the health, equity, and prosperity of entire generations of communities right here in Southern Arizona,” said WFSA CEO Amalia Luxardo.

2021 Annual Grant Cycle Grantee Partners 

  • Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse increases the safety and self-sufficiency of domestic abuse victims and their children through support services. 
  • Community Investment Corporation is a financial empowerment nonprofit that provides the members of our community shut out of or left behind in our economy access to the knowledge and financing they need to pursue new opportunities. 
  • Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. advocates for underserved individuals and communities throughout the Southwest. Its mission is to drive economic and political empowerment through health and human services, housing, education and advocacy. 
  • Innovation for Justice Program UA is a social justice innovation lab that designs, builds, and tests disruptive solutions to the justice gap. Housed at both the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law and the University of Utah Eccles School of Business, I4J is the nation’s first and only cross-jurisdiction and cross-discipline legal innovation lab. 
  • Planned Parenthood Arizona, Inc. offers essential health services to women, especially low-income women and girls, and those without other health care. Their care services include well-woman checks, breast, and cervical cancer screenings, sexual response education, men’s wellness screenings, and more. 

The funding is renewable to the five grantee partners each year in November until 2023.  The foundation will engage with all of the organizations who applied to the fund throughout the year to support this community with technical assistance and resources. 

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