United Way’s Volunteer Tax Assistance Program Available until April 18
The deadline for filing taxes for the 2021 tax year is April 18 and United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program will be available from 10 am until 10 pm on that evening at the Truly Nolen Training Facility located at 432 S. Williams Blvd., Building 436 in the lobby.
This free and professional filing assistance is available through United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona for individuals and families earning up to $73,000 annually. United Way of Tucson’s VITA program continues to partner with GetYourRefund to offer its tax support from IRS-certified volunteers entirely online. This online system helps the VITA program reach more taxpayers, process returns more efficiently, and ensure the health and safety of volunteers and community members. VITA is also currently offered at several tax return preparation sites across Southern Arizona run by United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona and IRS-certified volunteers. Appointments are required at most locations. Visit www.getyourrefund.org/uwtsa for online assistance or www.UnitedWayTucson.org/VITA to schedule an in-person appointment.
VITA is a community initiative led by United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, in collaboration with Catholic Community Services, and partners throughout Northern and Western Arizona. Together, the collaborative is the largest tax preparer in the state of Arizona, serving nine of Arizona’s 15 counties.
An important feature for those considering taking advantage of this service is the Child Tax Credit and/or the Earned Income Tax Credit as both have become an essential service to thousands of Arizona residents. United Way’s work through the VITA program will be as important as ever this year, helping people access missing CTC advance payments and the remaining half of the credit that can only be accessed by filing a return.
No-cost options for taxpayers this year include:
- GetYourRefund.org – taxpayers can connect with VITA volunteers online
- In-Person Assistance –in-person assistance is available by appointment only at select sites. Make an appointment at www.UnitedWayTucson.org/VITA
- DIY Self-Prep Software – online services for those who feel confident in filing on their own
- Valet Drop Off VITA Services – drop off your tax documents to a certified IRS Tax Preparer (available by appointment only)
VITA volunteers must complete an intense IRS-sponsored certification program every year, and most return year after year. Individuals seeking tax assistance will have their respective returns prepared by a volunteer, with a second volunteer assigned to review the return before it is filed. With more complex cases, a third volunteer will triple-check the return.
In-person sites include: (schedule subject to change)
No walk in’s will be taken, all appointments must be scheduled at www.UnitedWayTucson.org/VITA
- City of Tucson – Ward III – 1510 E. Grant Rd. 85719 – Available by appointment ONLY
- El Pueblo Neighborhood Center 101 W. Irvington Rd. 85714 – Available by appointment ONLY
- Literacy Connects – 200 E. Yavapai Rd. 85705 – Available by appointment ONLY
- Truly Nolen at William’s Center – 432 S. Williams Blvd. 85711 – Available by appointment ONLY
- Goodwill Job Connection– 1703 W. Valencia Rd. 85746 – Available by appointment ONLY
- Interfaith Community Services – 2820 W. Ina Rd. 85741 – Available by appointment ONLY
- Quincie Douglas Community Center – 1575 E. 36 th St. 85713 – Available by appointment ONLY
Those seeking quality tax preparation assistance at no cost should visit www.unitedwaytucson.org/vita for complete information about locations, schedules and required documents.