Round 8 of Downtown’s Gift Card Blitz Sells Out, $280,000 Raised to Date
Gift Cards through this program are currently SOLD OUT. Stay tuned for another round!
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Downtown Tucson Partnership (DTP) is stepping up during this challenging time to infuse cash into the downtown community through the DTP Gift Card Incentive Program. Support your favorite downtown small business and get a $10 bonus through the DTP Gift Card Incentive Program. Here’s how the program works: Buy a $25 gift card from the Downtown Tucson Partnership for use at your favorite downtown business and receive a free $10 bonus. Choose from over 60 businesses, including your favorite restaurants, museums, breweries, boutiques, hotels, grocers, spas, gyms and more! Nearly 8,000 gift cards have been sold since launching the program on April 3, providing $280,000 in immediate support to downtown businesses. Thank you to the generous support provided by our past sponsors: Bourn Companies, Downtown Tucson Apartments, Holualoa Companies, HSL Properties, Presidio Tucson and Rio Nuevo.

The DTP Gift Card Incentive Program is administered by the Downtown Tucson Partnership. Learn more about us here.
When you purchase a gift card through our program, your purchase (plus the $10 bonus incentive) goes right to the downtown businesses you’d like to support. After you make your gift card purchase, we order the gift cards/certificates from each business you selected, and DTP mails them to you at the address you provide. Please allow 10 – 12 business days for DTP to process and send out your gift cards/certificates.
Each round is limited to 1,000 total gift cards for sale and each customer is allowed to purchase up to four gift cards per round. If a customer purchases more than four gift cards through multiple orders in a single round, the customer will be automatically refunded for the additional orders. The first order will still be honored. This is to ensure that many others are able to support their favorite downtown businesses.DTP continues to seek funding for future rounds. Please contact Kathleen Eriksen if you are interested in supporting this program at kathleeneriksen@downtowntucson.org.