Patronato Announces Virtual 25th Anniversary Christmas at San Xavier Concert
For 25 years, Patronato’s Christmas at San Xavier has been Southern Arizona’s unofficial start to the holiday season.
Though a live concert is not possible this year because of COVID-19, Patronato is offering a virtual passport to the event. As a “thank you” for a year-end gift of any amount, it will offer a link to this year’s 25th anniversary concert to enjoy virtually. This will allow this wonderful tradition to be enjoyed all over the world and from the comfort of home.
Featuring new and enhanced performances, interspersed with spectacular, drone footage of the Mission, this year’s production provides access to the art and decoration of the Mission like never before. The Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus, Tucson Girls Chorus and special solo artists are a part this year’s featured lineup.
DVDs of the concert, as well as a 25th anniversary-commissioned Christmas ornament, handmade in Poland, featuring the Mission are also available for purchase at www.patronatosanxavier.org. Information on how to donate is also on the website.
“With COVID-19 making it impossible to have in-person concerts at San Xavier for a second year, we have crafted an experience that will transport you to the Mission,” said Executive Director Miles Green. “Those who have previewed our production tell me it’s even more beautiful than last year’s event.”
Patronato San Xavier funds and directs ethical conservation, conducts scientific research and interprets the significance of Mission San Xavier del Bac, a national historic landmark in the community of Wa:k, part of the Tohono O’odham Nation. Patronato San Xavier receives no sustaining funding from any government or religious organization.
The iconic Mission San Xavier is the finest example of Spanish Ultra Baroque architecture in the United States and is the oldest building of European heritage surviving in Arizona. It is part of a chain of 24 missions and visitas established through Sonora, Mexico and Arizona by the Jesuit priest, Eusebio Kino when this borderlands area, the Pimeria Alta was all a province of New Spain.
In addition to being a national historic landmark, the Mission was featured on the World Monument Fund’s 2015 Watch List. This list, published every two years, calls attention to 25 of the most culturally significant at-risk sites in the world.
San Xavier has been undergoing a comprehensive preservation effort to save the structure and the interior artwork. It’s considered one of the best preserved of any of the missions in the United States, and certainly of any in the Kino chain.
25th Anniversary Concert Performers:
Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus: Touring Chorus & Young Men’s Ensemble Dr Julian Ackerley, Director
Tucson Girls Chorus: Advanced Choir-Small Group Dr. Marcela Molina, Director
Soloists: Lindsey McHugh, Soprano Octavio Moreno, Baritone Carlos Zapién, Tenor Glendon Gross, Trumpet Misael Barraza Díaz, Guitar Kai Skaggs, Laura Tagawa, Violin Janet Tolman, Elena Miraztchiyska, Joshua Nichols, Organ