New Green Alliance To Promote Tucson’s Sustainable Businesses
Local First Arizona (LFA) today announced the launch of the Southern Arizona Green Business Alliance (SAZGBA). The Alliance will help regional local and non-local businesses with sustainability strategies that strengthen their operations and make them more resilient in the face of climate change.
The Alliance, in partnership with the Tucson 2030 District, is offering a Green Business Leaders Program which certifies and promotes businesses that have adopted cost-saving sustainability practices in categories of energy, transportation, water, waste, food, environmental justice and community engagement. The program is designed to drive sustainability practices that help mitigate the significant impacts of climate change.
“The Alliance is here to make the process of reducing localized pollution, lowering business operational costs, and attracting appreciative customers easier to achieve and maintain,” said Mike Peel, Local First Arizona Statewide Sustainability Director. “At Local First Arizona, our charge is to support triage, recovery, and resiliency efforts that help retool and strengthen businesses during and after the COVID-19 crisis.”
SAZGBA partners also include the Community Investment Corporation, the State of Arizona Office of Grants and Federal Resources, Tucson Electric Power, Pima Association of Governments, the City of Tucson through Tucson Environmental Services, Tucson Water and the Tucson Department of Transportation, Mrs. Green’s World and Visit Tucson.
“The adoption of green business practices not only benefits our economy and environment, but also highlights Southern Arizona’s commitment to being a world class destination to live, work and thrive. This program shows that we can continue to grow our local economy while at the same time protecting our greatest assets and attractions, which are our unique desert lands,” said Tucson Mayor Regina Romero.
Susan Gray, President and Chief Operating Officer of Tucson Electric Power, added “We’re proud to partner with the Southern Arizona Green Business Alliance in helping local businesses develop sustainable business practices that reinforce our own efforts to build a sustainable energy future for our community.”
Businesses that successfully evaluate their sustainability footprint and integrate program recommendations are recognized and promoted via the SAZGBA’s online directory, press materials, social media posts, and events. They also receive a certification emblem to display online and in their businesses to build affinity and loyalty among customers and employees who support environmentally and socially responsible businesses.
“Our long-term partnership with SAZGBA and Local First Arizona will represent one of our most important civic and business partnerships,” said Todd Hanley proprietor of Hotel Congress and Maynard’s Market and Kitchen. “Success for us very much includes business practices that underscore the importance of sustainability, resilience and a regenerative economy.”
Business leaders can obtain more information and sign up for the program at www.sazgba.com or call 602-956-0909 ext 12.
The Southern Arizona Green Business Alliance (SAZGBA) was created to empower businesses and nonprofits, large and small, with sustainability strategies that strengthen their operations and make them more resilient in the face of climate change. The alliance is a partnership between Local First Arizona, and a network of community partners all committed to strengthening regional businesses through the adoption of sustainable practices.
Founded in 2003 by Kimber Lanning, Local First Arizona (LFA) is a community and economic development organization working to strengthen local economies. LFA educates consumers about the interconnectedness of the economy; trains small businesses to be more effective and more competitive; helps larger Arizona businesses and institutions tell their story as champions of Arizona; and creates programs and events that make it fun and easy to discover local businesses and buy local. Visit localfirstaz.com for more information and a directory of more than 3,000 locally owned businesses.