El Charro Café Featured on Top Chef
Carlotta Flores, executive chef and owner of the Si Charro! restaurant group is having a banner year.
With the year-long 100th Anniversary of El Charro celebrations, personal appearances and opening a new concept (The Monica named after her Tia Monica who founded El Charro) she still found time to appear in two nationally syndicated culinary shows; Taste of the Border on Discovery + network, and most recently on the 2022 Top Chef: Houston cooking competition show.
The final quickfire show “Cactus Makes Perfect” was filmed at El Charro in Tucson late last year featuring the remaining 2022 contestants on the award-winning show. El Charro was selected because of its history and standing as the oldest family run Mexican restaurant in the US.
The show will air on May 26 on the Bravo network at 8pm The public is invited to viewing parties at a number of Si Charro! concepts including the original downtown El Charro Café, as well as El Charro Cafes at Ventana and Oro Valley, The Monica and Charro Steak.