Downtown Tucson Partnership Adds New Banners, New Solar Trash Compactors
Visitors to Downtown Tucson will notice new colorful banners being installed on light poles. The 100+ banners are part of a comprehensive on-street marketing campaign provided by Downtown Tucson Partnership, along with Pima County and Visit Tucson.
The campaign features downtown destinations and showcases key aspects of downtown including delicious food, arts, culture, entertainment, shopping and nightlife – all while promoting a sense of vibrancy with colorful images provided by local photographers.
DTP also recently installed 10 new Bigbelly solar-powered trash compactors at El Presidio Park in partnership with Pima County. The benefits of the Bigbelly units include increased capacity holding five times the amount of a traditional bin, the total containment of trash, smart and connected technology which signals when they’re ready to be emptied, no overflowing or visible waste, reduced collections using less gas and plastic bags, and overall reduced costs.