Cox Gives $25,000 to Community Food Bank
Cox customers represent a true cross-section of our community and the company believes in using its resources and voice to help lift those in need. To further demonstrate this commitment, The James M. Cox Foundation has donated $25,000 to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona.
Even though the majority of Cox’s 3,200 Arizona employees continue to work from home during this time, they are still finding ways to help in the community and help bring assistance to customers.
Since the Food Bank isn’t currently accepting food donations, the Cox Southern Arizona team brought along cases of Gatorade for the Food Bank’s staff and volunteers along with a check for $25,000.
Lisa Lovallo, Southern Arizona Market Vice President for Cox, second from left along with other volunteers, delivers $25,000 to assist the Community Food Bank of SAZ in its mission in a time of exponential need.
“This support from Cox Communications allows us to rise to meet the increasing need we are seeing due to the Covid-19 crisis,” said Michael McDonald, CEO of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. “We‘re so grateful for these funds which help with the expense of moving our distribution site to Kino Stadium to better serve the high number of people coming to us for food.“
This gift to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona is coming at a critical time, as they work to expand their services to meet needs by rapidly opening up new sites,” said Southern Arizona Market Vice President Lisa Lovallo. “Our team was humbled by the tireless efforts of the staff and the Arizona National Guard and it was an honor to spend a morning with them to say thank you.”
During this challenging time, Cox has also been focused on supporting customers effected by COVID-19. Through June 30, Cox is keeping open to the general public the company’s 2,500+ WiFi hotspots, waiving late fees and not terminating internet and telephone service to any residential or small business customers because of an inability to pay due to disruptions caused by COVID-19. While education for our community’s children has shifted from schools to the home, Cox is helping to ensure digital equity for families of school-aged children enrolled in low-income assistance programs. The company has recently extended free internet access until July 15 through its Connect2Compete program for those who qualify and sign up by May 15.
About Cox Communications
Cox Communications is committed to creating meaningful moments of human connection through broadband applications and services. The largest private telecom company in America, we proudly serve six million homes and businesses across 18 states. We’re dedicated to empowering others to build a better future and celebrate diverse products, people, suppliers, communities and the characteristics that makes each one unique. In metro Phoenix we are honored to serve more than 2.5 million product subscribers, and in Southern Arizona approximately 400,000. Our 3,200 Arizona employees are proud to have put Cox at the top of PC Magazine’s “people’s choice” and Ranking Arizona’s “Best of Arizona Business and Top Internet Provider” lists. Cox Communications is the largest division of Cox Enterprises, a family-owned business founded in 1898 by Governor James M. Cox.